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Allocations to state-level Dept. of Health over past decade

Hi all, this is Nikhil. I work as a Policy Analyst at The Quantum Hub.

I am looking for the budget allocated to the Dept. of Health and Family Welfare (by whatever name they may be known) as part of total expenditure for the following twelve states:

Haryana, Jharkhand, Assam, Telangana,
Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra,
Punjab, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

I seek this information from FY 2013-14, up to the current FY 2021-22.

Happy to get any leads on this. Thanks!

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Hi @nikhiliyer,
Welcome to the Budget Forum!
Requesting @Nilachala to respond to this question.

Hi Nikhil,
Please note (given below) data points on share of public expenditure towards Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare of 12 states for a period 2013-14 to 2020-21 (BE). We have compiled this information from the Reserve Bank of India’s publication titled State Finances A Study of Budgets. This is available in the public domain. However, there are two limitations to this data:

  1. This is not the complete health budget of the state rather only includes budget allocation / utilisation under two broad heads: Medical and Public Health, and Family Welfare and from both revenue and capital account.

  2. It does not capture budget allocation / expenditure for health related purposes transferred to local bodies (as grants) and any infrastructure / construction related expenditure, if any, by states carried out for the health sector.

Table: Expenditure on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare - As Ratio to Aggregate Expenditure

State / Year 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 (RE) 2020-21 (BE)







|Madhya Pradesh|3.84|4.26|4.38|3.79|4.42|4.25|5.00|5.18|





|Uttar Pradesh|4.64|5.08|4.52|4.86|5.30|4.63|4.99|5.22|

Notes: NA-Not Applicable; BE-Budget Estimate; RE-Revised Estimate
Source: Compiled from State Finances: A Study of Budgets

Hope this will serve the purpose.

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Further to Nilachala’s response on this, we have created a few visualisations by grouping the state-wise data on expenditure for the recent years from the same RBI publication, i.e., State Finances: A Study of Budgets (for all states and three Union Territories with legislature) on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare. The grouping has been done on the basis of the level of expenditure on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare as a proportion of the aggregate state expenditure and three such groups have been created. The first group have all those states who are spending more than 6% of their aggregate state expenditure on this sector, the second group spending between 5% and 6% and the third group consisting of states spending between 3% and 5% of their aggregate expenditure on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare. Further, this bucketing of the states have been done on the basis of 2020-21 Budget Estimates figures.
Sharing the visualisations for these groups below.

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Figure 1: States and UTs Spending more than 6% of their Aggregate Expenditure on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare (based on 2020-21 BE)

Source: Compiled from RBI State Finances: A Study of Budgets, 2020

Figure 2: States and UTs Spending between 5% and 6% of their Aggregate Expenditure on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare (based on 2020-21 BE)

Source: Compiled from RBI State Finances: A Study of Budgets, 2020

Figure 3: States and UTs Spending between 3% and 5% of their Aggregate Expenditure on Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare (based on 2020-21 BE)

Source: Compiled from RBI State Finances: A Study of Budgets, 2020


As can be seen from the graphs above,

Delhi has allocated the highest proportion of its budget for Medical and Public Health and Family Welfare in 2020-21.
A major bulk of the states and UTs with legislature (15 of them) are spending between 5% and 6% of their aggregate expenditure in this domain.

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In terms of the methodology, as Nilachala has rightly mentioned above, the RBI data does not represent the entire health budget of the states. For obtaining a more encompassing picture of the health sector budget, we have been collating data from the state budget documents in the form of a database and representing them in the form a dashboard named the Story Generator on Open Budgets India. Specifically for health sector, we are not only taking the budgets of the state health departments, but also relevant heads from other departments like education, tribal development, public works, etc. which do spend on health related activities as well. The dashboard has state-wise details of what all have been taken to arrive at this database. We are in the process of updating this for the most recent years.
The line graph below provides a snapshot of this on-going work for a set of 7 states which have been updated till the most recent FY, i.e., 2021-22 BE. The data presented here is the share of health expenditure in total state budget.

Source: Compiled by CBGA from the detailed budget books of different States for various years.

Interestingly, in 6 of the 7 states considered here, the allocations for health as a proportion of the total state budget have come down in this year’s budget estimates, i.e., 2021-22 BE from the revised estimates of 2020-21. At the backdrop of the raging pandemic, this is especially significant and needs further scrutiny. The trends of the remaining states will also have to be looked at to get the entire picture.

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