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Child Budget Statement


In 2021-22, how many States have presented a Child Budget Statement?

So far, 7 states have started the practice of bringing out a CBS - Assam, Bihar, Kerala, Odisha, Jharkhand, Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka.

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Thanks vijayta_cbga for this information. Would like to know if there is any other state introduced CBS in 2021-22.

@protiva @vijayta_cbga

Andhra Pradesh announced that it will be bringing out both a Child Budget and a Gender Budget from 2021-22. ( https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/andhra-pradesh-govt-to-bring-gender-child-budget-from-financial-year-202122-101615265384894.html)

However, the state has just passed its budget through an ordinance, which is just for the next three months. So possibly the CB/GB processes have been postponed.

Thanks Shruti! :blush:

@shrutiambast I’d never imagined that the budget could be promulgated as an ordinance. Googled and figured out that AP is doing it for the 2nd year in a row. Thank you for the info.

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Maharashtra has also started publishing a Child Budget Statement together with their Gender Budget Statement. Here is the link: https://finance.maharashtra.gov.in/Sitemap/finance/pdf/Gender_and_Child_Budget_statement_01_02_2021.pdf

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Thanks for this update Simonti! Also sharing an update to the earlier discussion: Andhra Pradesh finally tabled its budget for 2021-22 in May. A child budget and gender budget is included. The allocations for each can be found here: http://apfinance.gov.in/Budget2122/ But the actual statements don’t seem to be available yet.

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@vijayta_cbga @simonti @shrutiambast

Jharkhand introduced child budget statement in 2019-20. Could you please clarify whether the state published the child budget statement also in 2020-21 and 2021-22? If yes, could you please share the links.