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Child Protection in India


I need help with the following questions related to budgetary interventions for child protection in India.

  1. Other than Union and State budget documents, what are the other possible sources to get budget related information on child protection ?

  2. Can we get any information on child protection from the district treasuries? If yes, would it be possible to share what are those budget heads (example from any district treasury).



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Thanks for your question, @protiva

Request @simonti-chakraborty and @anjana_r to respond to this.

Dear Protiva,
Some of these sources might be helpful along with Union and State Budget documents:

  1. CAG reports/ performance audits
  2. Annual Reports of Ministries/ Departments looking after particular schemes
  3. RTIs may be useful too (please check out CBGA’s schemes dashboard as well, where our team has compiled some budgetary information on ICPS from Lok Sabha questions and RTI responses as well https://schemes.openbudgetsindia.org/scheme/icps/funds-released)
    Hope this helps! For the information regarding treasuries, I request @Nilachala and @amit to respond.
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Hi Protiva, I also agree with Anjana on this.
Union and State Budget documents, indeed, remain the two main systematic source of budget related data on child protection. Other than these, one can scan through the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Questions for some recent statistics on fund releases and utilisation. Filing RTIs for specific data can be another option.

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Thanks @anjana_r and @simonti-chakraborty for your inputs.
Other than ICPS and JJ Act, are there any state specific schemes for child protection particularly for these states: Kerala, Karnataka, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu… In case any information available with you on this.


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Hi Protiva, ICPS remains one of the major schemes for child protection cross all states. Tamil Nadu also has a ‘Chief Minister’s Girl Child Protection Scheme’, while UP announced that it would launch a welfare scheme for children who lost their parents to Covid. Kerala has a portal called ‘TrackChild’ as a virtual space for ICPS bodies and JJ Boards.

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Hi Protiva, with the help of my colleague @tushar , I found ‘Rehabilitation of Child in need of care and protection of Juveniles in conflict with Law’, ‘Care and Protection of Street Children’, and one component of ICPS and JJ Funds in Odisha State Treasury.
This data is also available in State Budget documents (DDG).

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Thanks @amit for the information.

Thanks@ anjana_r for the specifics.